
Deconfinement obliges us!



Lhe deconfinement obliges us

Sonnés par the health crisis and its human, social and economic consequences, the business leaders the question of tomorrowthat of decontamination and the "world after".. As entrepreneurssthis recovery obliges us. Without naive idealism, nor defeatism, but withith optimism and responsibility. Lhe period ahead is an opportunity to to put value creation back where it belongs

Indeed, thishis crisis a demontré that the economy, i.e. exchange of goods and services, is nothing when the fondof the City waver.

Without health, there's no life, no economy. 

Without education, there are no skills, no human resources, no value creation. 

Without environmental preservation, there can be no livable planet, no sustainable future. 

Without solidarity, there is no bond, no society. 

Today, we have the historic opportunity opportunity, if not the duty, to to reinvent the City around a pact that places entrepreneurial spirit and innovation at the service of the general interest. Without calling into question the role of the public sector public sectoreducation, health, the environment and and the city must be invested by economic players. As with the healthcare system, the lessons of management epidemic call for a decompartmentalized public/private approach, State central/local authorities, hospital/ESS ; organizational agility; encouraging individual or partnership initiatives; and liberated forms of management.

Ien years ago, I founded Your Voice on a conviction, inspired by humanist humanist of industrial industrial designthat it is possible to to put performance at the service of social utility. I have made this the translation in HR, through research and coaching for managers and experts in innovation with societal impact.

At the dawn of deconfinement, I am determined to continue on this path slightly militantte to attract thes bests profiles in these in these sectors à if high added value. Rely on leaders who will innovate in healthcare, education, the environment and the City for build for the post-crisis era and invest sustainably in sectors that provide a fundamental fundamental to society.

Luc Meuret, founder and CEO of Your Voice


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